// Spludlow Software // Copyright © Samuel P. Ludlow 2020 All Rights Reserved // Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 // Distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // https://www.spludlow.co.uk/LICENCE.TXT // The Spludlow logo is a registered trademark of Samuel P. Ludlow and may not be used without permission // v1.14 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SQLite; namespace Spludlow.Data { /// /// SQLite DAL Implimentaion - Fairly well implimented, not tested much /// /// http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/downloads.wiki /// /// Using static, requires the seperate SQLite.Interop.dll /// /// No other dependancies /// /// Used sqlite-netFx46-static-binary-x64-2015- /// /// public class DALSQLite : Spludlow.Data.IDAL { private SQLiteConnection Connection; private SQLiteTransaction Transaction; private string CacheKeyPrefix; private Dictionary ConvertDataTypes; private string QuoteOpen = "["; private string QuoteClose = "]"; public DALSQLite() { } public DALSQLite(string connectionString) { this.Initialize(connectionString); } public void Initialize(string connectionString) { if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) // For use with utility methods { return; } if (connectionString.StartsWith("@") == true) connectionString = Spludlow.Config.ConnectionString(connectionString.Substring(1)); // Short hand: FILENAME if (connectionString.Contains("=") == false && connectionString.Contains(";") == false) connectionString = MakeConnectionString(connectionString); this.Connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString); this.CacheKeyPrefix = "DALSQLite-Schemas-" + this.Connection.ConnectionString; //.DataSource(); // + "-"; this.ConvertDataTypes = new Dictionary(); string[] convertLookups = new string[] { "integer bigint", "counter bigint", "autoincrement bigint", "identity bigint", "long bigint", "yesno bit", "logical bit", "bool bit", "boolean bit", "currency money", "numeric decimal", "real double", "float double", "smalldate datetime", // Guessed them from here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "timestamp datetime", "uniqueidentifier guid", "image blob", "general blob", "oleobject blob", "memo text", "longtext text", "note text", "string text", }; foreach (string convertLookup in convertLookups) { string[] words = Spludlow.Text.Split(convertLookup, '\t', true, false); this.ConvertDataTypes.Add(words[0], words[1]); } //this.ExecuteNonQuery("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1"); } public static string MakeConnectionString(string filename) { string connectionString = @"Data Source='@Filename';"; connectionString = connectionString.Replace("@Filename", filename); connectionString += "datetimeformat=CurrentCulture;"; return connectionString; } public string Quotes(string commandText) { return this.Quotes(commandText, "[", "]"); } public string Quotes(string commandText, string replaceOpen, string replaceClose) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(commandText); result.Replace(replaceOpen, this.QuoteOpen); result.Replace(replaceClose, this.QuoteClose); return result.ToString(); } // // Open / Close // private void Open() { this.Connection.Open(); } private void Close() { this.Connection.Close(); } public string DataSource() { return ""; // this.Connection.DataSource; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } public void CommandTimeout(int minutes) { } // // Transactions // public void Begin() { if (this.Transaction != null) throw new ApplicationException("DALSQLite: Begin Transaction already present."); this.Open(); try { this.Transaction = this.Connection.BeginTransaction(); } catch { this.Close(); throw; } } public void Commit() { if (this.Transaction == null) throw new ApplicationException("DALSQLite: Commit Transaction not present."); try { this.Transaction.Commit(); this.Transaction = null; } finally { this.Close(); } } public void Rollback() { if (this.Transaction == null) throw new ApplicationException("DALSQLite: Rollback Transaction not present."); try { this.Transaction.Rollback(); this.Transaction = null; } finally { this.Close(); } } // // Schema // // dataSet = database.SelectDS("PRAGMA table_info(tuningdetail)"); public DataSet Schema(string tableName) { return this.Schema(new string[] { tableName }); } public DataSet Schema(string[] tableNames) { DataSet fullSchema = this.Schema(); DataSet partSchema = new DataSet(); foreach (string tableName in tableNames) { foreach (string suffix in new string[] { "_Columns", "_Keys" }) partSchema.Tables.Add(fullSchema.Tables[tableName + suffix].Copy()); } return partSchema; } public DataSet Schema() { DataSet schema = (DataSet)Spludlow.Caching.Get(this.CacheKeyPrefix); if (schema != null) return schema; schema = new DataSet(); DataSet schemaReader = this.SchemaReader(); DataSet schemaNative = this.SchemaNative(); DataSet schemaConnection = this.SchemaConnection(); foreach (string tableName in this.TableList()) { this.SchemaColumns(schema, tableName, schemaReader); this.SchemaKeys(schema, tableName, schemaReader, schemaNative, schemaConnection); } //Spludlow.Data.Schemas.FixForiegnKeys(schema); // seen Int64 on PK and Int32 on FK Spludlow.Caching.Set(this.CacheKeyPrefix, schema); return schema; } private void SchemaColumns(DataSet schema, string tableName, DataSet schemaReader) { DataTable schemaTable = Spludlow.Data.Schemas.NewSchemaColumnsTable(tableName); foreach (DataRow readerRow in schemaReader.Tables[tableName].Rows) { string columnName = (string)readerRow["ColumnName"]; int columnSize = (int)readerRow["ColumnSize"]; string typeName = ((string)readerRow["DataTypeName"]).ToLower(); if (this.ConvertDataTypes.ContainsKey(typeName) == true) typeName = this.ConvertDataTypes[typeName]; if (typeName.ToLower().EndsWith("identity") == true) // ?????? using AutoIncrement now ??? { typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - 8).Trim(); readerRow["IsAutoIncrement"] = true; } if (columnSize == 0x7FFFFFFF && typeName.EndsWith("char") == true) { switch (typeName) { case "char": case "varchar": typeName = "text"; break; case "nchar": case "nvarchar": typeName = "ntext"; break; default: throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite, SchemaColumns; Unkown long char datatype:" + typeName); } } DataRow schemaRow = schemaTable.NewRow(); schemaRow["ColumnName"] = columnName; schemaRow["Ordinal"] = (int)readerRow["ColumnOrdinal"]; schemaRow["DataTypeId"] = Spludlow.Data.Schemas.NativeToCommon(typeName, "SQLite"); schemaRow["MaxLength"] = columnSize; if (readerRow.IsNull("NumericPrecision") == false) schemaRow["Precision"] = (int)readerRow["NumericPrecision"]; if (readerRow.IsNull("NumericScale") == false) schemaRow["Scale"] = (int)readerRow["NumericScale"]; schemaRow["PrimaryKey"] = (bool)readerRow["IsKey"]; schemaRow["AllowDBNull"] = (bool)readerRow["AllowDBNull"]; schemaRow["AutoIncrement"] = (bool)readerRow["IsAutoIncrement"]; schemaRow["Longest"] = 0; schemaTable.Rows.Add(schemaRow); } Spludlow.Data.Schemas.TidySchemaTable(schemaTable); schema.Tables.Add(schemaTable); } private void SchemaKeys(DataSet schema, string tableName, DataSet schemaReader, DataSet schemaNative, DataSet schemaConnection) { DataTable keysTable = Spludlow.Data.Schemas.NewSchemaKeysTable(tableName); foreach (DataRow indexRow in schemaConnection.Tables["Indexes"].Select("TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'")) { string indexName = (string)indexRow["INDEX_NAME"]; string keyType = "I"; if ((bool)indexRow["PRIMARY_KEY"] == true) { keyType = "P"; } else { if ((bool)indexRow["UNIQUE"] == true) keyType = "U"; } foreach (DataRow indexColumnRow in schemaConnection.Tables["IndexColumns"].Select("TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "' AND INDEX_NAME = '" + indexName + "'", "ORDINAL_POSITION")) { string columnName = (string)indexColumnRow["COLUMN_NAME"]; int ordinal = (int)indexColumnRow["ORDINAL_POSITION"]; bool descending = false; if ((string)indexColumnRow["SORT_MODE"] != "ASC") descending = true; keysTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { indexName, keyType, ordinal, descending, columnName, null, null }); } } List parentTables = new List(); foreach (DataRow keyRow in schemaConnection.Tables["ForeignKeys"].Select("TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'")) { string parentTable = (string)keyRow["FKEY_TO_TABLE"]; if (parentTables.Contains(parentTable) == false) parentTables.Add(parentTable); } foreach (string parentTable in parentTables) { string keyName = "FK_" + tableName + "_" + parentTable; foreach (DataRow keyRow in schemaConnection.Tables["ForeignKeys"].Select("TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "' AND FKEY_TO_TABLE = '" + parentTable + "'", "FKEY_FROM_ORDINAL_POSITION")) { int ordinal = (int)keyRow["FKEY_FROM_ORDINAL_POSITION"]; string columnName = (string)keyRow["FKEY_FROM_COLUMN"]; string parentColumn = (string)keyRow["FKEY_TO_COLUMN"]; bool descending = false; // Should look up from parent primary key !!! keysTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { keyName, "F", ordinal, descending, columnName, parentTable, parentColumn }); } } schema.Tables.Add(keysTable); } public DataSet SchemaNative() { DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); // https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html 2.6 string[] systemTables = new string[] { "sqlite_master", //"sqlite_sequence", No allways present }; foreach (string systemTableName in systemTables) { this.Fill(dataSet, "SELECT * FROM " + systemTableName); Spludlow.Data.ADO.NameLastTable(dataSet, systemTableName); } return dataSet; } public DataSet SchemaConnection() { DataSet schema; if (this.Transaction == null) this.Open(); try { schema = Spludlow.Data.DALCommon.SchemaConnection(this.Connection); } finally { if (this.Transaction == null) this.Close(); } DataTable table; table = schema.Tables["Columns"]; table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { table.Columns["TABLE_NAME"], table.Columns["COLUMN_NAME"] }; // Same in all DALS ?? !!! return schema; } public DataSet SchemaReader() { string[] tableNames = this.TableList(); if (this.Transaction == null) this.Open(); try { return Spludlow.Data.DALCommon.SchemaReader(this.Connection, this.Transaction, tableNames, "\"", "\""); } finally { if (this.Transaction == null) this.Close(); } } public DataSet SchemaANSI() { DataSet schema = new DataSet(); return schema; } public void SchemaRefresh() { string databaseName = this.CurrentDatabase(); if (databaseName == null) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite; To Refresh the schema you must have a current database"); string key = this.CacheKeyPrefix; // + databaseName; Spludlow.Caching.Remove(key); } // // Databases // public string[] DatabaseList() { return new string[0]; } public void ChangeDatabase(string databaseName) { this.Initialize(databaseName); } public string CurrentDatabase() { string[] parts = Spludlow.Text.Split(this.Connection.ConnectionString, ';', true, false); foreach (string part in parts) { if (part.ToLower().StartsWith("data source") == false) continue; return part.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '=', '\'' }); } return ""; } public void DatabaseCreate(string databaseName) { if (File.Exists(databaseName) == true) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite; Creating database that already exists: " + databaseName); File.WriteAllText(databaseName, ""); //this.RunScript(databaseName, ".databases" + Environment.NewLine + ".quit"); // Can just create empty file! } public void DatabaseCreate(string databaseName, DataSet schema) // SQLite adds all keys when DB is created { this.DatabaseCreate(databaseName); this.ChangeDatabase(databaseName); string[] tableNames = Spludlow.Data.Schemas.TableNamesInOrder(schema); foreach (string tableName in tableNames) { this.TableCreate(tableName, schema); this.TableAddKeys(tableName, schema, "UI"); } } public void DatabaseDelete(string databaseName) { File.Delete(databaseName); } public bool DatabaseExists(string databaseName) { return File.Exists(databaseName); } // // Tables // public string[] TableList() { List tableNames = new List(); DataTable table = this.Select("SELECT name from sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'"); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string tableName = (string)row[0]; if (tableName.StartsWith("sqlite_") == false) tableNames.Add(tableName); } return tableNames.ToArray(); } public void TableCreate(string tableName, DataSet schema) { this.TableCreate(tableName, schema.Tables[tableName + "_Columns"], schema.Tables[tableName + "_Keys"]); } public void TableCreate(string tableName, DataTable schemaColumns, DataTable schemaKeys) { string databaseName = this.CurrentDatabase(); if (databaseName == null) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQL; To create a table you must have a current database"); Spludlow.Data.DALCommon.CreateTableInfo info = new DALCommon.CreateTableInfo(); info.DatabaseType = "SQLite"; info.QuoteOpen = "["; info.QuoteClose = "]"; info.AllowNull = "NULL"; info.DontAllowNull = "NOT NULL"; info.Identity = "__AUTOINCREMENT__"; // Assumes is single column Primary key int (should be Int64) info.ColumnLine = "@ColumnName @DataType @Identity @Null"; info.PrimaryLine = "CONSTRAINT @KeyName PRIMARY KEY (@Columns)"; // Set in main table defintion //info.UniqueLine = "CONSTRAINT @KeyName UNIQUE INDEX (@Columns)"; info.ForeignLine = "CONSTRAINT @KeyName FOREIGN KEY (@Columns) REFERENCES @ParentTable (@ParentColumns)"; // Have to create with table //info.IndexLine = "CONSTRAINT @KeyName INDEX (@Columns)"; // Indexes have to be added afterwards !!!! string commandText = Spludlow.Data.DALCommon.MakeCreateTableCommandText(tableName, schemaColumns, schemaKeys, info); // Fix AUTOINCREMENT - Bodge job!!! if (commandText.Contains(info.Identity) == true) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(commandText)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { // [LogId] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL if (line.Contains(info.Identity) == true) { //if (line.Contains(" bigint ") == false) // Spludlow.Log.Warning("DAL SQLite; PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT is not Int64 table: " + tableName); int index = line.IndexOf("]"); line = line.Substring(0, index + 1) + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,"; result.AppendLine(line); continue; } // CONSTRAINT [PK_Logs] PRIMARY KEY ([LogId]) if (line.Contains("CONSTRAINT") == true && line.Contains("PRIMARY KEY") == true) continue; result.AppendLine(line); } } result.Replace("," + Environment.NewLine + ")" + Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + ")" + Environment.NewLine); // If ends with a comma, sort it out commandText = result.ToString(); } this.ExecuteNonQuery(commandText); } public void TableDelete(string tableName) { this.ExecuteNonQuery("DROP TABLE [" + tableName + "]"); } public bool TableExists(string tableName) { object obj = this.ExecuteScalar("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='" + tableName + "'"); if (obj == null || obj is DBNull) return false; return true; } public void TableClear(string tableName) { this.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM [" + tableName + "]"); // SQLite don't care about foriegn keys (may leave DB with orphans!) this.ExecuteNonQuery("VACUUM"); } public void TableAddKeys(DataSet schema, string keyTypesPUIF) { string[] tableNames = Spludlow.Data.Schemas.TableNames(schema); this.TableAddKeys(tableNames, schema, keyTypesPUIF); } public void TableAddKeys(string tableName, DataSet schema, string keyTypesPUIF) { this.TableAddKeys(new string[] { tableName }, schema, keyTypesPUIF); } public void TableAddKeys(string[] tableNames, DataSet schema, string keyTypesPUIF) { // SQLite cant do P or F has to be done when creating table U and I must be done seperate to creating table string commandTextUnique = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [@KeyName] ON @TableName (@Columns)"; string commandTextIndex = "CREATE INDEX [@KeyName] ON @TableName (@Columns)"; foreach (string tableName in tableNames) { foreach (char keyType in keyTypesPUIF) { DataTable keysTable = schema.Tables[tableName + "_Keys"]; List keyNames = new List(); foreach (DataRow schemaKeyRow in keysTable.Select("KeyType = '" + keyType + "'")) { string keyName = (string)schemaKeyRow["KeyName"]; if (keyNames.Contains(keyName) == false) keyNames.Add(keyName); } foreach (string keyName in keyNames) { Spludlow.SysTables.SchemaKeysRow[] keyRows = (Spludlow.SysTables.SchemaKeysRow[])keysTable.Select("KeyName = '" + keyName + "'"); StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); switch (keyType) { case 'U': commandText.Append(commandTextUnique); break; case 'I': commandText.Append(commandTextIndex); break; } commandText.Replace("@KeyName", keyName); commandText.Replace("@TableName", DALCommon.QuoteTableName(tableName, this.QuoteOpen, this.QuoteClose)); commandText.Replace("@Columns", DALCommon.ColumnNames(keyRows, "ColumnName", this.QuoteOpen, this.QuoteClose)); this.ExecuteNonQuery(commandText.ToString()); } } } } // // Logins (All do nothing for this database type) // public void LoginCreate(string loginName, bool administrator) { } public void LoginCreate(string loginName, string password, bool administrator) { } public void LoginDelete(string loginName) { } public bool LoginExists(string loginName) { return true; } public string[] LoginList() { return new string[0]; } // // Users (All do nothing for this database type) // public string[] UserList() { return new string[0]; } public void UserCreate(string userName, string loginName, bool administrator) { } public void UserDelete(string userName) { } public bool UserExists(string userName) { return true; } // // Backup, Restore, Script, Operation // public void Backup(string serverFilename) { string liveFilename = this.CurrentDatabase(); if (liveFilename == null || liveFilename.Length == 0) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite; Backup no current database."); if (File.Exists(liveFilename) == false) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite; Backup Live database file does not exist: " + liveFilename); if (File.Exists(serverFilename) == true) File.Delete(serverFilename); File.Copy(liveFilename, serverFilename); // Lock File ??? } public void Restore(string serverFilename) { string liveFilename = this.CurrentDatabase(); if (liveFilename == null || liveFilename.Length == 0) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite; Backup no current database."); if (File.Exists(liveFilename) == false) // Lock and overwrite ??? File.Delete(liveFilename); File.Copy(serverFilename, liveFilename); } public string RunScript(string localFilename, string server, string database) { return this.RunScript(localFilename, server, database, null, null); } public string RunScript(string localFilename, string server, string database, string userName, string password) { string script = File.ReadAllText(localFilename); // Encoding ? Maybe if no backslashes in start (ie not filename) then use passed text (or @#? at start???) return this.RunScript(database, script); } private string RunScript(string arguments, string input) { string programPath = this.FindCommandPath(); // @"C:\Program Files (x86)\sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3170000\sqlite3.exe"; // Spludlow.Log.Info("DAL SQLite; Running Script: " + programPath + " " + arguments); Spludlow.SpawnProcess.ProcessExitInfo exitInfo = Spludlow.SpawnProcess.Run(programPath, arguments, 0, input); // No timeout !!!! if (exitInfo.StandardError.Length > 0) Spludlow.Log.Error("DAL SQLite; RunScript, Error in output", exitInfo.StandardError); if (exitInfo.ExitCode != 0) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite; RunScript, Bad Exit Code: " + exitInfo.ExitCode); return exitInfo.StandardOutput; } private string FindCommandPath() { string path; path = Spludlow.Config.Get("Spludlow.DatabaseCommandPath.SQLite", true); if (path != null) return path; string name = "sqlite3.exe"; if (File.Exists(name) == true) return Path.GetFullPath(name); string found = null; foreach (string programFilesDirectory in new string[] { @"C:\Program Files", @"C:\Program Files (x86)" }) { string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(programFilesDirectory, "sqlite-tools*"); foreach (string directory in directories) { path = directory + @"\sqlite3.exe"; if (File.Exists(path) == true) { if (found == null) found = path; else Spludlow.Log.Warning("SQLite; Multiple paths to sqlite3.exe found: " + path); } } } if (found == null) throw new ApplicationException("SQLite; Unable to find sqlite3.exe"); return found; } public void Operation(string details) { Spludlow.Log.Warning("SQLite; Operation, doing nothing: " + details); } public string PageCommandText(string commandText, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { int offset = pageIndex * pageSize; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(commandText); text.Append(" LIMIT @PageSize OFFSET @Offset"); text.Replace("@Offset", offset.ToString()); text.Replace("@PageSize", pageSize.ToString()); return text.ToString(); } // // Make Command // private void SetDataType(DAL.CommandInfo info, DataRow columnRow, int index) { string dataTypeId = (string)columnRow["DataTypeId"]; string nativeType = Spludlow.Data.Schemas.CommonToNative(dataTypeId, "DbType"); // There is no SQLiteDbType DbType dbType = (DbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DbType), nativeType); info.ParameterTypes[index] = (int)dbType; info.ParameterMaxLengths[index] = (int)columnRow["MaxLength"]; } public DAL.CommandInfo MakeCommandInfo(string commandText) { return MakeCommandInfo(commandText, DALCommon.ExtractParameterNames(commandText)); } public DAL.CommandInfo MakeCommandInfo(string commandText, string[] parameterNames) { return Spludlow.Data.DALCommon.MakeCommandInfo(commandText, parameterNames, this.Schema(), this.SetDataType); } public DbCommand MakeCommand(string commandText) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(commandText, this.Connection, this.Transaction); return command; } public DbCommand MakeCommand(string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo = this.MakeCommandInfo(commandText); return this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues); } public DbCommand MakeCommand(string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo = this.MakeCommandInfo(commandText, parameterNames); return this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues); } public DbCommand MakeCommand(DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { if (commandInfo.ParameterNames.Length != parameterValues.Length) throw new ApplicationException("Making Command with different parameterNames and parameterValues counts: " + commandInfo.ParameterNames.Length + ", " + parameterValues.Length); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(commandInfo.CommandText, this.Connection, this.Transaction); for (int index = 0; index < commandInfo.ParameterNames.Length; ++index) { string paramterName = commandInfo.ParameterNames[index]; DbType dbType = (DbType)commandInfo.ParameterTypes[index]; int maxLength = commandInfo.ParameterMaxLengths[index]; SQLiteParameter parameter = command.CreateParameter(); parameter.ParameterName = paramterName; if ((int)dbType != -1) parameter.DbType = dbType; // parameter.TypeName ??? //if (maxLength > 0) // parameter.Size = maxLength; // using Size seems to slow things down big time on Insert DAL Test using dummpy Logs and bodies. Maybe becasue using max size? Do more tests !!!!!!!!!!!!!! parameter.Value = parameterValues[index]; command.Parameters.Add(parameter); } return command; } // // ExecuteScalar // public object ExecuteScalar(string commandText) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText)) return this.ExecuteScalar(command); } public object ExecuteScalar(string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterValues)) return this.ExecuteScalar(command); } public object ExecuteScalar(string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterNames, parameterValues)) return this.ExecuteScalar(command); } public object ExecuteScalar(DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues)) return this.ExecuteScalar(command); } public object ExecuteScalar(DbCommand command) { return this.ExecuteScalar((SQLiteCommand)command); } private object ExecuteScalar(SQLiteCommand command) { if (this.Transaction != null) return command.ExecuteScalar(); this.Open(); try { return command.ExecuteScalar(); } finally { this.Close(); } } // // ExecuteNonQuery // public int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText)) return this.ExecuteNonQuery(command); } public int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterValues)) return this.ExecuteNonQuery(command); } public int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterNames, parameterValues)) return this.ExecuteNonQuery(command); } public int ExecuteNonQuery(DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues)) return this.ExecuteNonQuery(command); } public int ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand command) { return this.ExecuteNonQuery((SQLiteCommand)command); } private int ExecuteNonQuery(SQLiteCommand command) { if (this.Transaction != null) return command.ExecuteNonQuery(); this.Open(); try { return command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { this.Close(); } } // // Fill // public void Fill(DataSet dataSet, string commandText) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText)) this.Fill(dataSet, command); } public void Fill(DataSet dataSet, string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterValues)) this.Fill(dataSet, command); } public void Fill(DataSet dataSet, string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterNames, parameterValues)) this.Fill(dataSet, command); } public void Fill(DataSet dataSet, DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues)) this.Fill(dataSet, command); } public void Fill(DataSet dataSet, DbCommand command) { this.Fill(dataSet, (SQLiteCommand)command); } private void Fill(DataSet dataSet, SQLiteCommand command) { this.ExecuteAdapter(command, dataSet, null); } public void Fill(DataTable table, string commandText) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText)) this.Fill(table, command); } public void Fill(DataTable table, string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterValues)) this.Fill(table, command); } public void Fill(DataTable table, string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterNames, parameterValues)) this.Fill(table, command); } public void Fill(DataTable table, DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues)) this.Fill(table, command); } public void Fill(DataTable table, DbCommand command) { this.Fill(table, (SQLiteCommand)command); } private void Fill(DataTable table, SQLiteCommand command) { this.ExecuteAdapter(command, null, table); } // // Select // public DataTable Select(string commandText) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText)) return this.Select(command); } public DataTable Select(string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterValues)) return this.Select(command); } public DataTable Select(string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterNames, parameterValues)) return this.Select(command); } public DataTable Select(DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues)) return this.Select(command); } public DataTable Select(DbCommand command) { return this.Select((SQLiteCommand)command); } private DataTable Select(SQLiteCommand command) { DataSet dataSet = this.SelectDS(command); DataTable table = dataSet.Tables[0]; dataSet.Tables.Remove(table); return table; } public DataSet SelectDS(string commandText) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText)) return this.SelectDS(command); } public DataSet SelectDS(string commandText, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterValues)) return this.SelectDS(command); } public DataSet SelectDS(string commandText, string[] parameterNames, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandText, parameterNames, parameterValues)) return this.SelectDS(command); } public DataSet SelectDS(DAL.CommandInfo commandInfo, object[] parameterValues) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(commandInfo, parameterValues)) return this.SelectDS(command); } public DataSet SelectDS(DbCommand command) { return this.SelectDS((SQLiteCommand)command); } private DataSet SelectDS(SQLiteCommand command) { DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); this.ExecuteAdapter(command, dataSet, null); return dataSet; } private void ExecuteAdapter(SQLiteCommand command, DataSet dataSet, DataTable table) { if (this.Transaction == null) this.Open(); try { using (SQLiteDataAdapter adapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(command)) { if (dataSet != null) adapter.Fill(dataSet); if (table != null) adapter.Fill(table); } } finally { if (this.Transaction == null) this.Close(); } } // // Inserter // public DAL.CommandInfo MakeInserter(string tableName) { return DALCommon.MakeInserter(this, tableName, "; SELECT last_insert_rowid()"); } public long Insert(DataRow row) { return Insert(row.Table.TableName, row); } public long Insert(string tableName, DataRow row) { DAL.CommandInfo insertInfo = this.MakeInserter(tableName); return Insert(insertInfo, row); } public long Insert(DAL.CommandInfo insertInfo, DataRow row) { object[] objectRow = DALCommon.ObjectsFromRow(row, insertInfo); return Insert(insertInfo, objectRow); } public long Insert(string tableName, object[] row) { DAL.CommandInfo insertInfo = this.MakeInserter(tableName); return Insert(insertInfo, row); } public long Insert(DAL.CommandInfo insertInfo, object[] row) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(insertInfo, row)) { if (insertInfo.Identity == false) { this.ExecuteNonQuery(command); return 0; } else { object obj = this.ExecuteScalar(command); if (obj == null) throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite Insert; Identity object is null."); if (obj is Int64) return (long)((Int64)obj); throw new ApplicationException("DAL SQLite Insert; Identity object bad type:\t" + obj.GetType().Name); } } } // // Update // public DAL.CommandInfo MakeUpdater(string tableName) { return MakeUpdater(tableName, new string[0]); } public DAL.CommandInfo MakeUpdater(string tableName, string[] updateColumns) { return DALCommon.MakeUpdater(this, this.Schema(), tableName, updateColumns); } public int Update(DataRow row) { return this.Update(row.Table.TableName, row); } public int Update(string tableName, DataRow row) { DAL.CommandInfo updateInfo = this.MakeUpdater(tableName); return this.Update(updateInfo, row); } public int Update(string tableName, string[] columns, DataRow row) { DAL.CommandInfo updateInfo = this.MakeUpdater(tableName, columns); return this.Update(updateInfo, row); } public int Update(DAL.CommandInfo info, DataRow row) { object[] objectRow = DALCommon.ObjectsFromRow(row, info); return this.Update(info, objectRow); } public int Update(string tableName, object[] row) { DAL.CommandInfo updateInfo = this.MakeUpdater(tableName); return this.Update(updateInfo, row); } public int Update(string tableName, string[] columns, object[] row) { DAL.CommandInfo updateInfo = this.MakeUpdater(tableName, columns); return this.Update(updateInfo, row); } public int Update(DAL.CommandInfo updateInfo, object[] row) { using (SQLiteCommand command = (SQLiteCommand)this.MakeCommand(updateInfo, row)) { return this.ExecuteNonQuery(command); } } public long InsertOrUpdate(DataRow row) { return InsertOrUpdate(row.Table.TableName, row); } public long InsertOrUpdate(string tableName, DataRow row) { return DALCommon.InsertOrUpdate(row, tableName, this); } public void BulkInsert(DataTable table, string tableName, string tempDirectory) { Spludlow.Data.Schemas.DisableAutoIncrement(this.Schema(), tableName); DAL.CommandInfo inserter = this.MakeInserter(tableName); // Doing in a transaction as it's faster this.CommandTimeout(60); // The Commit may take a while this.Begin(); try { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) this.Insert(inserter, row); this.Commit(); } catch { this.Rollback(); throw; } finally { this.SchemaRefresh(); } } } }