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Simple Encoding & Parameter Type Guessing


Simple encoding is how parameters are normally represented when making calls.

What you would expect using the ToString() and Convert.To() methods on most data types.

Simple encoding only supports basic datatypes and 1D arrays.

The “Type” datatype is also supported and only the short name is encoded (string would be “String”).

NOTE: Simple encoding uses tabs as delimiters in arrays.

NOTE: The Intranet Call Page uses New Lines as delimiters while in the parameter text box.

Limitations & Escape Characters

Simple encoding is simple it has no provision for anything out the ordinary like encoding tabs in arrays.

The only special meanings in simple encoding is:

·         Empty String (length 0) = NULL

·         “” A pair of double quotes (length 2) = An empty string

Guessing Data Types

When making ATM calls with parameters from some applications (like the Console Application) then shorthand parameter passing can be used, you just enter the parameter data on its own.

In shorthand parameter passing data types are guessed in this order:

·         DateTime – date time looking characters

·         Decimal – Number with a decimal point.

·         Int32 – Number without a decimal point

·         Boolean – The string “true” or “false”

·         String – anything else

So if your methods use these basic datatypes you can use shorthand parameters.


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