Introduction. 1
In Spludlow.config. 1
Database type. 1
Shorthand. 1
SQL Server. 1
The DAL has a few syntax tricks you can use in the
connection string, used for; specifying the database type, having the string in
the Spludlow.config file, and short hand for speed.
If the connection string starts with ‘@’ then it is
specifying a configuration key. For example:
CODE: Spludlow.Data.IDAL dal =
new Spludlow.Data.DALSql("@Spludlow");
CONFIG: <add
key="Spludlow.ConnectionString.Spludlow" value="Data Source=DATABASEHOST;Initial
Catalog=SpludlowV1;Integrated Security=True"/>
Note: Connection string keys used by the DAL are prefixed
with “Spludlow.ConnectionString.”.
The DAL by default assumes you are using SQL Server. If you
want to use another database type you prefix the connection string with the
database type in square brackets, like so:
Here are the currently supported database types. Only SQL
Server is fully supported at the moment, others provide limited read only
case "sql":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow", "Spludlow.Data.DALSql" };
case "odbc":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow", "Spludlow.Data.DALODBC" };
case "oledb":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow", "Spludlow.Data.DALOleDb" };
case "mysql":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow.Data.MySQL", "Spludlow.Data.DALMySQL" };
case "sqlite":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow.Data.SQLite", "Spludlow.Data.DALSQLite" };
case "oracle":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow.Data.Oracle", "Spludlow.Data.DALOracle" };
case "postgresql":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow.Data.PostgreSQL", "Spludlow.Data.DALPostgreSQL" };
case "db2":
assType = new string[] { "Spludlow.Data.DB2", "Spludlow.Data.DALDB2" };
Note: When using DALs other that the standard Microsoft ones
(SQL, ODBC, and OLEDB) then the DAL implementations are in separate assemblies
(You can also write your own pretty easily). For the framework to use them they
must be compiled and present on the host using them, they must also be listed
in Applications.txt as a “Lib”, for example:
Spludlow.Data.MySQL C:\Program
Files\SpludlowV1\ Spludlow.Data.MySQL Lib
Any projects, like your business logic library, do not need
a reference to additional DAL implementations (they don’t need compiling in).
The framework will find the DAL library from Applications.txt.
Each DAL provider for a particular database type may allow a
shorthand connection string for extra ease. They are generally only available
when using a connection string that has only one or two parameters, mainly
those without usernames and passwords. The use of the shorthand is enabled by
detecting there are no semi-colons “;” in the connection string. If your
connection string only has one parameter and you don’t want shorthand mode,
just stick a semi-colon “;” on the end.
The connection string is “HOST@DATABASE” or just “HOST” (the
“master” database will be used, maybe you are creating databases in code). This
only works if you are using Windows Authentication where you don’t need any
credentials in the connection string. This example would equate to:
“Data Source=MYHOST;Initial
Catalog=MYDATABASE;Integrated Security=True;”
The Access provider (“ACE” or “JET”) an at sign (@) and the
path to an Access database for example “ACE@C:\MyDatabase.accdb” or
“JET@C:\MyDatabase.mdb”. You can also have just the path and the ACE provider
will be used. These 2 examples produce the following connection strings:
ACE "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;User
ID='Admin';Password='';Data source='C:\MyDatabase.accdb';"
JET "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID='Admin';Password='';Data
NOTE: It is recommended that you use the newer ACE provider,
you may need to use JET to use old versions of Access databases (V2.0 and